The Brown Shirts Are Here!

Editor, Times-Union: I knew it wouldn’t be long before our progressive colleague from Winona Lake would insert herself as the critic for the letters section.

Elect Birch As Judge

Editor, Times-Union: It is with great pleasure and confidence that I am writing this letter of support for Mr. Jack Birch for the judge of the Circuit Court of Kosciusko County.

Vote For Buehler For Judge

Editor, Times-Union: I encourage residents to vote for and support Matthew Buehler for Kosciusko County Circuit Court Judge.

Scherer For Commissioner

Editor, Times-Union: I had the exciting opportunity to cast my ballot for Nate Scherer this week to become our next county commissioner.

Surveyor Questions

Editor, Times-Union: I’ve been inundated with questions concerning the race for your next county surveyor.

Wilson For Coroner

Editor, Times-Union: I am writing to endorse Tracy Wilson for the Kosciusko County Coroner. I have had the honor to work with the past three county coroners, and in that time also had the privilege to work with Tracy as deputy coroner.

Huffer For Coroner

Editor, Times-Union: I have known Coroner Tyler Huffer for many years.

Coroner’s Race

Editor, Times-Union: I would like to share my thoughts reference the importance of this upcoming election.

Squatters Question

Editor, Times-Union: This letter is not for the editor of the Times-Union, but for law enforcement and/or lawyers. My question is about the acts of squatters.

Birch For Judge

Editor, Times-Union: As many of you know, voting has already started in the Republican primary. When you go to the polls, please consider voting for attorney Jack Birch for Kosciusko County Circuit Court judge.

Vote For Buehler

Editor, Times-Union: As a small business owner and lifetime Warsaw/Winona Lake resident, I am convinced that we need local leaders who put family and community first.

Elect Birch For Judge

Editor, Times-Union: When you go to the polls for this primary election, please consider voting for Jack Birch for our Circuit Court judge.

Apology To Officer Johnson

Editor, Times-Union: Dear officer Elizabeth Johnson,

Vote Buehler For Judge

Editor, Times-Union: I am voting for Matt Buehler in the upcoming May 7 election and I strongly encourage you to do the same.

Elect Buehler For Judge

Editor, Times-Union: I am writing this letter to endorse candidate Matthew Buehler for Kosciusko County Circuit Court judge.